On Monday, Taft got new big boy jammies. He has always worn one-piece footy jammies and he has finally gotten long enough that you just can't find them easily. I found these at Target and I was very happy with them. They are Carter's and two piece mix and match that came two sets together on sale for $10. How great is that? I got him the two sets in his size and couldn't wait to see them on him. We tried them out last night and he didn't go to sleep very well. He went down and got up twice. He almost always sleeps all night now. I finally put him in his footy jammies and he slept, which made me afraid that he will only sleep with his feet covered like Mommy does. We have tried again tonight. So far, so good. He went down with no problem as been there an hour. Hopefully he will do well. I do love these jammies and have to search our Targets to get them in 12 and 18 months.
FYI--Children's Place sells footy pajamas up to 5T. :o) Hallie LOVES them! They're so soft and comfy and have cutie-pie patterns on them! And they're usually 3 for $25! :o)