I have seriously struggled with what to tell you about me. I read the About Me section on lots of blogs and some are very funny and some are very serious. Not sure which direction I would like to go in.
I worked in nursing homes for many years. I currently work in a gastrointestinal office which can be pretty entertaining at times. I guess you can say that I know a lot about poop. And old people. And well, old people care a lot about poop. I guess you can say that I ended up in the right place.
I love to read! I would rather read a good book than watch tv. Although, still have some shows that I don't miss. Books are just usually so much better. I mostly read Historical Fiction but participating in Book Club Friday has opened my eyes to many different kinds of writing and I enjoy branching out from time to time. You can see more about my book love on Goodreads and my current Wish List here.
My hobbies include trying new recipes and scrapbooking. Both have suffered since becoming a mom but I am trying to work on that. I am working on Project Life but I am sad to report that I don't have a single week finished. I have lots of partial weeks and I need to work on that more. I do enjoy getting together with some great ladies once a month to try to stay on track.
I also love to bake. Mostly cupcakes and cookies. I make them once a month for my scrapbooking group and I am thinking of starting to make them as a little side job. At least if anyone wants to buy them. ;) That has me wanting to buy lots of cupcake cookbooks and decorating items.I worked in nursing homes for many years. I currently work in a gastrointestinal office which can be pretty entertaining at times. I guess you can say that I know a lot about poop. And old people. And well, old people care a lot about poop. I guess you can say that I ended up in the right place.
I love to read! I would rather read a good book than watch tv. Although, still have some shows that I don't miss. Books are just usually so much better. I mostly read Historical Fiction but participating in Book Club Friday has opened my eyes to many different kinds of writing and I enjoy branching out from time to time. You can see more about my book love on Goodreads and my current Wish List here.
My hobbies include trying new recipes and scrapbooking. Both have suffered since becoming a mom but I am trying to work on that. I am working on Project Life but I am sad to report that I don't have a single week finished. I have lots of partial weeks and I need to work on that more. I do enjoy getting together with some great ladies once a month to try to stay on track.
I do love a few specific things at this time in my life. I love to volunteer at Taft's Preschool in any way that I can, as often as I can. And I am looking forward to doing the same at his new school next year.I like finding new, exciting, and (preferable) cheap things to do with children in our area. Hawaii Five O (Alex O'Loughlin is just a beautiful man). Duck Dynasty (Jase is my favorite). The Housewives of New Jersey and Beverly Hills. (They are the only ones that I can really get into). The Generations Project (I really want to apply). Working on our family trees. And pretty much anytime that I can manage to get a toddler free manicure, pedicure, or haircut. Oh - and life would not be the same with out TiVo and I have decided that Pinterest = Crack.
We also have five great pets:
Sallie Amanda Belton aka Gilbert
- Sallie was a stray cat that we met when we lived in Opelika, Alabama. She was pretty and sweet and we would let her in for snacks. She would bring me chipmunks and birds as thank you gifts. One day, a neighbor told us that she was homeless.
- Out of Sallies kittens, we kept one - Trevor.
- The vet says that Sallie is part Maine Coon. She looks just like one except that she is a tiny, petite, cat. She even does the herding and makes all the weird little chirps.
- Taft was a big Caillou fan and started to call her Gilbert.
Trevor Luther Belton
- Trevor is Sallie's little boy. He was born in October 2002, a perfect Halloween cat.
- He is a little on the girly side and has never had a Tom Cat roar.
- We like to tell him that he is a miniature panther to boost his self confidence.
Shelby Ruth Belton
- Shelby came to live with us in October 2003. She was about a year and half old. I was looking for a Lab and lost a puppy to parvo. One of my mother's friends offered to give me her dog.
- She was an outside dog in Alabama, only coming in for really cold nights. Once we moved to Florida, she became an inside only dog. She likes to be outside as little as possible.
- She is one of the few Labs in the world that hates to swim. We have a pool and you can't make her get in it.
Gracie Louise Belton aka Goat
- Goat is the latest edition to our family and we got her in October 2004. I was volunteering at the Humane Society and fell in love with her. She had a paw injury and needed some antibiotics after coming home.
- She is a very strange cat and will not use a litter box that any other cat touches. Due to this fact, she has her own "apartment". She stays in our 3rd bathroom. We never use it so it is not a big problem. She has her own litter box and likes to sleep under the cabinet. Of course we let her out but we have to keep her and Shelby away from each other. She HATES the dog and it always ends badly for her. Like emergency vet bad.
- She likes to chew on paper, carpet, and pretty much anything else. That is how she got the name Goat.

Oscar Moncrief Belton
- Our sweet little gecko Oscar. We were lucky to be gifted him from Shane's uncle Ed. So we decided to give him a middle name in honor of him.
- Oscar is pretty social at times and likes to eat out of my hand.
- He is an albino leopard gecko and lives in Taft's room.
- He loves baby crickets and meal worms.