
Easter Cupcakes: Guest Post

Do you need some quick and adorable last minute ideas for Easter cupcakes?  Well - here they are!  This is a GREAT guest post from Katherine!

To have a great time on the upcoming Easter, you may come up with many creative ideas. So, how about making a cupcake for the festival personally? Either to have a party with your friends or to delight your kids, this should sound great. Below, DIY steps are shared by Katherine - a devotee for all fantastic matters.
First, take a look at the finished look of the cupcake. I made 9 different styles here. Of course, it is up to you while designing the style.
Required materials:
A - 300 grams of carrot strips, 200 grams of starch, 170 grams of plant oil, 3 big eggs, 90 grams of white sugar, 1 spoon of baking powder, a half spoon of salt and 1 small spoon of cinnamon powder.
B - Aside from these, toppings like 150 grams of cream cheese, 80 grams of powdered sugar, 50 grams of butter and 2 large spoons of maple syrup are also necessary.
C - At last, some candies, cotton candies, small carrots, coconut shred and chocolate biscuit powder are needed.
Step 1: break the eggs into the bowl. Pour white sugar and plant oil in too. Mix them evenly.
Step 2: Mix all kinds of powder and pour them into the sieving equipment. Then, pour the egg liquid into and blend them to be even.
Step 3: It is time to pour carrot strips into the blended liquid now. Mix them and pour them into the baking case.
Step 4: Preheat the oven and place the mixed item into it. Bake it for 20 minutes.
Step 5: Then, pour carrot strips into a certain container and mix with nut fragments. Now, pour the mixed item in the baking case.
Step 6: We begin to make candies on the cake now. First of all, blend materials mentioned in the B part via a blender.
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Step 7: Daub the cheese on the baked cake. Meanwhile, scatter coconut shreds on it.
Step 8: Get one spoon of chocolate biscuit powder and add it at the middle place of the cake.
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Step 9: Insert the carrot into the cake finally.
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Step 10: At last, let's make adornments for the cake. As these pictures imply, it isn't difficult. I used mango, chocolate and yangtao here. First, daub a layer of cream on the cake. Then, add fruits onto the cake directly.
Author bio: If you are hunting for inspirations to have a better Easter, you must be interested in paying a visit to Katherine's blog. To spice up your festival appearance, costumes and accessories at Miccostumes.com will be useful for you!

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