
Hello 2011

It just seems like yesterday that we were beginning 2010.  When I was a child, older people would say that years go by faster as you get older.  I believe that is true the older that I get.  It seems like only 5 years since I was in high school and last month that Taft was born.  In reality, I graduated high school in 1995 and I am a mother to a two and a half year old little boy.
Every year I make resolutions.  Every year, I fail to reach them.  This year is going to be different.  I have all the normal resolutions that everyone makes.  Loss weight, be more organized, etc.  But I have other goals too.  I have goals on how many books I want to read.  Please leave me any "must reads" in the comments.  I want current and classics that I have never read or read the Cliff's Notes to in high school.  It is time to read the real book not just know enough to pass the test.  I have photography goals, scrapbooking goals, church goals, family goals, personal goals, cooking goals, and blogging goals. 
Some of the most important are goals that pertain to Taft.  I want to devote more time to him and his life.  He may be two but he has a little life that he is developing outside of his home.  He has friends that are important to him and I want to show him that they are important to me too.  In fact, we have the first play date with his best friend tomorrow.  I can't wait.  I told him tonight and he jumped, clapped his hands, and said "Yay!!  CJ!!".
I also want to make an effort to do one big, important, thing with him each month.  It can be as simple as going to a new park or play place, or going to the zoo, museum, or Disney.  Disney is planned for his 3rd birthday. Anything is ok as long as it is something new.  Once again, please leave suggestions in the comments.
I want to read him more books.  Watch more movies with him.  Enjoy little moments with him.  He deserves it.
I am working on taking a photo a again but not stressing out over doing it.  If a day is without a photo, it is OK.
I have also been inspired again by Ali Edwards and her One Little Word 2011 post.  My word is remember, and you can read more about choosing words here.  I look forward to trying to work with my word throughout the year.
Now - I just have to write all the resolutions down, get a new calendar/planner, and start working!

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